10 Bad Habits to Eliminate from Your Daily Life

A recent Inc. article cited 10 common bad habits that endanger our health, hamper our productivity, and harm our relationships. Some habits identified are widely acknowledged “no-nos,” such as cigarette smoking and using electronic devices before bed. Other cited habits that I personally struggle with are keeping a cluttered desk and snacking out of stress

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Leading Quality of People with High Emotional Intelligence

Inc. recently posted an article emphasizing the one powerful attribute people with high emotional intelligence have – self-awareness. Most of us know people who are pretty smart in general and who can easily analyze the flaws of others, but struggle to apply that same analysis inward. Sometimes it’s difficult to be self-aware, and it can

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Happiness AND Success

In a recent blog, I wrote about the seven keys to happiness.  Now science has some data on the keys to happiness AND success, thanks to a new book by Emma Seppala, Science Director for Stanford University’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education. Many of us believe that we must pay a price for

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7 Keys to Happiness

I read this article​ which listed basic things that the happiest people do every day.  It seems like common sense, but it’s a list worth noting. It’s also very simple and easy to remember. I broke these 7 keys down into 3 basic groups. Take care of your own health 1.  Choose to exercise. 2.  Choose

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Main Cause of Addiction: Loneliness

This is a fascinating article about the roots of addiction. The article’s premise is that the main cause of drug use and addiction is not the drug itself, it is the lack of human connection a person has at the time. “Professor Peter Cohen argues that human beings have a deep need to bond and

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Study Reveals Benefits of a Working Mom

A recent study by Harvard has shown that daughters of mothers who work outside the home have very distinct career advantages later in life.  In addition, their adult sons are more involved in household responsibilities and spend more time caring for family members. There was a very large sample size, and the findings appear to

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Life Lessons from an Australian Comedian

This Commencement Address was delivered at a school in Australia  by a graduate of the school who is now a well-known comedian. I want to watch this with my kids at a later point in life when they can understand some of the nuances.  For now, I share some of these lessons with you. Lessons

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