Falling Through Two-Way Doors – Empowering Employees to Embrace Risk

We live in a risk-adverse culture. I see this professionally and even at home with one of my young daughters. She’s talented in many areas, but she’s exceptionally hard on herself when she can’t accomplish something right away. In these situations, she becomes discouraged to the point she stops trying. For a child, FAIL is

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Rest and Fewer Reps Hasten Learning

We all know the saying “Practice makes perfect.” According to Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers, at least 10,000 hours is required to be a true expert. Many of us assume that aspiring experts must cram those hours into uninterrupted practice sessions and master one topic at a time before moving on. But the conventional wisdom of “blocking”

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10 Bad Habits to Eliminate from Your Daily Life

A recent Inc. article cited 10 common bad habits that endanger our health, hamper our productivity, and harm our relationships. Some habits identified are widely acknowledged “no-nos,” such as cigarette smoking and using electronic devices before bed. Other cited habits that I personally struggle with are keeping a cluttered desk and snacking out of stress

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