Your Internal Clock – Morning Person or Night Owl?

This article was great. It addresses people and their various requirements for sleep.Each of us requires a different amount of sleep. Each of us also has a different internal clock. Biologically, we are programmed to be morning people or night owls. The combination makes us who we are.My wife and I loved this article for

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Judgment vs. Discernment

Life today creates constant assaults on our senses and emotions.  We are busier and have more demands than any time in history. These things can put us into fight or flight mode at any time. As founder of a company, CEO and father, I have constant stimulus assaulting my senses, tying to trigger me. I know

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Who Do You Spend Time With?

I have spent hours thinking about and challenging this idea in my mind, but it keeps reproving itself to me over and over.  Consider who you spend the most time with, and most likely you are the average of those five friends in all areas of life: Belief System Philosophy 
 Hobbies Intelligence Income

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Shooting Yourself in the Foot

Would you punch yourself in the face to hurt someone else?  Shoot yourself in the foot to prove guns are bad?  Seems illogical, right?  But people use that logic every day. I’ve never understood when people hurt themselves in an attempt to hurt other people.  We see it all the time with sports stars who

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Being Treated Fairly – It’s Nature

Here is a fascinating thing I’ve learned about human nature. People often would rather be treated fairly, but worse, than being treated unevenly but better overall. What you talking about Jason? There is a famous study done of animals showing how perceived fair treatment is ingrained into nature. This experiment was done with monkeys to

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