Falling Through Two-Way Doors – Empowering Employees to Embrace Risk

We live in a risk-adverse culture. I see this professionally and even at home with one of my young daughters. She’s talented in many areas, but she’s exceptionally hard on herself when she can’t accomplish something right away. In these situations, she becomes discouraged to the point she stops trying. For a child, FAIL is

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Knowledge is Not Enough to Change Behavior

I was listening to an interview with Keith Ferrazzi about teams and individual success. One of his observations that jumped out was “knowledge is not enough to change behavior.”  If it were, NOBODY would smoke, eat dessert, or do drugs.  Pretty obvious, but quite profound if you think about it. You need to modify behaviors

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Main Cause of Addiction: Loneliness

This is a fascinating article about the roots of addiction. The article’s premise is that the main cause of drug use and addiction is not the drug itself, it is the lack of human connection a person has at the time. “Professor Peter Cohen argues that human beings have a deep need to bond and

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Attitude—It Affects Surgery Outcomes

A recent Mayo study reinforces what we have always believed.  A person’s attitude and happiness really affect how quickly they recover. “The study, which looked at 431 colon cancer surgery patients, found that the 13% of patients who had quality-of-life scores below 50 on a 100-point scale were almost 3 times as likely to have

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WAIT — “Why Am I Talking”

I was at my daughter’s school and there was speaker on child psychology.  The emphasis was on the damage done to kids by over-parenting and over-managing their lives.  It was very interesting. They asked adults about their favorite childhood memory.  Only 20% named something involving a parent.  It was usually about when they accomplished something

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Your Internal Clock – Morning Person or Night Owl?

This article was great. It addresses people and their various requirements for sleep.Each of us requires a different amount of sleep. Each of us also has a different internal clock. Biologically, we are programmed to be morning people or night owls. The combination makes us who we are.My wife and I loved this article for

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Who Do You Spend Time With?

I have spent hours thinking about and challenging this idea in my mind, but it keeps reproving itself to me over and over.  Consider who you spend the most time with, and most likely you are the average of those five friends in all areas of life: Belief System Philosophy 
 Hobbies Intelligence Income

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