Whether You Believe You Can or You Can’t — You Are Right

The other day on the drive home, Mike Ditka was being interviewed on the radio. He had some good quotes. Commenting on teams or players, he quoted Henry Ford and said, “If you believe you can do something or you can’t do something, you are right.” Such a simple statement, and yet so profound. People

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Life Lessons from an Australian Comedian

This Commencement Address was delivered at a school in Australia  by a graduate of the school who is now a well-known comedian. I want to watch this with my kids at a later point in life when they can understand some of the nuances.  For now, I share some of these lessons with you. Lessons

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Your Internal Clock – Morning Person or Night Owl?

This article was great. It addresses people and their various requirements for sleep.Each of us requires a different amount of sleep. Each of us also has a different internal clock. Biologically, we are programmed to be morning people or night owls. The combination makes us who we are.My wife and I loved this article for

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13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do

I saw this article and thought it was great. I’ve outlined these thirteen things and have included my own thoughts. 1. They Don’t Waste Time Feeling Sorry for Themselves Fair or unfair, it just doesn’t matter.  I actually have no idea why people waste their time thinking about it.  Why waste your time and energy on things you

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Knowing How to Compliment

  I’ve always been fascinated by human nature, and determining what makes some people resilient and able to succeed, and what makes some unable to overcome these challenges.  What is innate, what was conditioned from childhood and what can be improved in adults. One area I have seen can be caused by well intended parents.  For years, I’ve heard about

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Judgment vs. Discernment

Life today creates constant assaults on our senses and emotions.  We are busier and have more demands than any time in history. These things can put us into fight or flight mode at any time. As founder of a company, CEO and father, I have constant stimulus assaulting my senses, tying to trigger me. I know

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Dealing with Enemies and Conflict

I recently read an article on how two Best Buy power players, the Founder and the new CEO, went from enemies to a unified front. The three main points on how the new CEO diffused the situation are as follows. Show humility This is the most common error I see.  People think “respect” is earned through

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