Obesity is growing in the US. This has huge implications for our society and the workers’ compensation industry. Some studies show that medical costs for a workers’ comp injury are eight times greater for an obese person than a person of healthy weight. This article and analysis of the workers’ compensation market shows obesity trumping aging as a top influencer on
Drugged and Dangerous
Rising has focused a lot on the health issues caused by an increase in opioid prescriptions and over medication. This article shows how destructive prescription drugs can be, not just to the user, but to society in general.Drugged driving is way up in Michigan (and I’m sure other states). While drunk driving has gone down 25 percent in MI,
A Must Read, “Fighting the Rx Epidemic: A Prescription for Workers’ Comp”
I’ve done a number of blogs on how the prescription drug epidemic, particularly opioids, has taken a toll on America. It’s an issue that’s so damaging that I wanted more in depth research so that Rising could craft an effective solution. In this newly published white paper, “Fighting the Rx Epidemic: A Prescription for Workers’
What to Expect with Change
This is a great article in Forbes on the process of change. It takes the “change” process and breaks it into a predictable path for adoption. As technology, society and companies evolve, things change. The evolution goes like this: Resistance Mockery Usefulness Habitual New Standard I have seen this pattern over and over again throughout the years.
Risk & Insurance Article on Rx Epidemic Features Rising’s Technology
A great article on the Prescription Drug Epidemic was recently released in the September Issue of Risk & Insurance. It’s written by Rising’s Leslie Yeransian who attended the National Rx Drug Abuse Summit earlier this year and interviewed a number of experts who are trying to fix the epidemic. The article features some new technology Rising has developed, and has