A Must Read, “Fighting the Rx Epidemic: A Prescription for Workers’ Comp”

I’ve done a number of blogs on how the prescription drug epidemic, particularly opioids, has taken a toll on America.  It’s an issue that’s so damaging that I wanted more in depth research so that Rising could craft an effective solution. In this newly published white paper, “Fighting the Rx Epidemic: A Prescription for Workers’ Comp,” experts from academia, government and industry weigh in on the state of our epidemic and how we can turn it around, together.

Rising has developed Rx Intelligence to combat prescription misuse and abuse and curb costs by intervening early on in a patient’s recovery.  This newly published white paper talks more about the multi-pronged approach experts believe will solve our public health crisis. 

Click here to download and:

  • Find out how workers’ comp has turned the corner toward building a durable remedy for prescription drug abuse and misuse. 
  • Learn from America’s best minds the multi-pronged approach that’s driving change.
  • See how Rx Intelligence technologies are vital to the solution. 

We’d also love to hear what you’re doing to be part of the solution.