Associate with Greatness

In our Vision document for Rising, I specifically created a section entitled: “Associate with Greatness.” We encourage our employees to find mentors and to continue to develop.  We encourage our leaders to find outside peers to associate with and learn from. Why? We know associating with the best will drive us to be the best. This is the same

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“One and Done” – What Does it Mean?

I have a saying I like to repeat over and over: “One and Done.” In our vision for Rising, the concept behind “One and Done” is described this way: We know that our quality and our ability to evolve and grow depends on constant improvement and doing things right.  If we think we will need to do

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“We” vs “Me” Teams

Every group of people is really just a tribe. Some are larger or smaller than others. Companies, countries, sports teams. They all function as tribes. When the nuclear disaster struck in Japan, again it struck me how much better their society functioned during a time of crisis than we did during Katrina. CNN wrote a great

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The Story of Our Logo: Love It or Hate It

I’m often asked about our logo.  At conferences, people will walk up and say they love it, or it gives them a sense of good luck and they wear our t-shirts during sporting events.  Someone even has hit three jackpots wearing a Rising t-shirt and they wear it every time they go gambling now. Just as

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Why I’m In the Medical Cost Containment Industry

Many people have a medical nightmare story to tell.  Stories of medical issues that have compromised or challenged their or their family’s financial stability. My own brush with healthcare prompted me to get into this industry and eventually to launch Rising. Tell me your story in the comment section. Or drop me a line.