$5 Million Typo – The Importance of Controls

Read this story about a $5 million dollar “typo.” Most of us also remember the stock market crash caused when a broker typed 15 billion shares instead of 15 million, which was dubbed the fat-fingered market crash. I recently heard a story from an employee who caught a $500,000 bill that should have been $5,000 by calling

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Street Value of Prescription Drugs

In many situations, a person who is injured receives treatment longer than expected. This is very common when people are taking prescriptions or pain medications for long periods of time. There can be many reasons: dependence, addiction, misdiagnosed causation, driving up claims costs for settlement, etc. One that is not often explored is the street value

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The Story of Our Logo: Love It or Hate It

I’m often asked about our logo.  At conferences, people will walk up and say they love it, or it gives them a sense of good luck and they wear our t-shirts during sporting events.  Someone even has hit three jackpots wearing a Rising t-shirt and they wear it every time they go gambling now. Just as

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Why I’m In the Medical Cost Containment Industry

Many people have a medical nightmare story to tell.  Stories of medical issues that have compromised or challenged their or their family’s financial stability. My own brush with healthcare prompted me to get into this industry and eventually to launch Rising. Tell me your story in the comment section. Or drop me a line.