One of the first lessons I learned in personal finance was the principle of “paying yourself first.” We all want to save … for retirement; for a bigger house; for school; for safety; for a new toy. The key to reaching these goals is the concept of “paying yourself first.” Before spending a dime, pull out your savings
Leadership vs. Management
Leadership and management are two very different things. Leadership “pulls” people. Management “pushes” people. Everyone knows traditional management. Check on the team to make sure they are working. Clock breaks and punch out time. If people don’t comply, there are consequences. In bad situations, it can be exhausting and draining for both the person being managed
EMRs: The Law of Unintended Consequences
The government has been pushing for electronic medical record keeping for many years. The thought was it would drive efficiencies, reduce costs and improve care. Billions in incentives have been spent trying to get hospitals and providers to upgrade their systems to allow for electronic medical record keeping.This New York Times article shows that Medicare
New Findings on Long-Term Opioid Use
WCRI recently completed a great study on long-term opioid use. You can read a summary of the study here. I found the following points from the study of most interest: • More frequent and longer-term use of narcotics may lead to addiction and increased disability or work loss. Nearly one in 12 injured workers who started narcotics were